Notice of Privacy

Last update: May 24, 2024

The Mexican Association of the Information Technology Industry, A.C. (AMITI) in accordance with the current Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties makes the following information available to you:


AMITI is a non-profit civil association established in accordance with Mexican laws and has its address at Paseo de la Reforma 284, 17th floor. 01 Col. Juárez. Cuauhtémoc C.P. 06600, CDMX.

The person responsible for data protection is Sofía Pérez Gasque Muslera, General Director of AMITI, and the person in charge of data protection is Aurea Guerrero, Operations Manager, who can be found at the same address and in the emails: and respectively.


AMITI collects personal data in the Membership format of the website This information is used for membership purposes, billing, communication of activities, business opportunities and dissemination of benefits, and may be used for statistical reports that are prepared to understand the situation of the Information and Communications Technologies market.

The data collected via electronic format are:

  • Business name
  • RFC
  • Company name
  • Street and number
  • Colony
  • Postal Code
  • Delegación
  • City
  • Estate
  • Phone 1
  • Phone 2
  • Internet Adress
  • Name of CEO
  • Phone of CEO
  • Email of CEO
  • Information of the representative before AMITI
  • Full name
  • Title
  • Actual position
  • Direct telephone numbers
  • E-mail
  • Turn or Activity
  • Products
  • Services

Adicionalmente solicitamos la información de contactos que las empresas desean dar de alta (nombre, responsabilidad, teléfono y correo electrónico).

AMITI holds public events and through its registration pages collects some of the following data:

  • Company name
  • City
  • Estate
  • Phone 1
  • Phone 2
  • Internet Adress
  • Full name
  • Actual position
  • E-mail
  • Turn or Activity

The veracity of the information provided is the full responsibility of the partner (owner). AMITI does not request sensitive personal data by any means.

AMITI guarantees that the data provided by partners will not be disseminated, distributed or commercialized and will adhere to the purposes described above.


You have the right to access the personal data that we have, as well as to rectify it if it is inaccurate or has undergone changes. You can also oppose the processing and at any time you may revoke the consent you have given us so that we stop using them.

To do this, it is necessary that your company's representative before AMITI submit your request via email to Aurea Guerrero .mx containing the information that the law stipulates in article 29.

Once the request is received, you will receive a confirmation email within a period of no more than five business days.


  • AMITI reserves the right to make changes and updates to this notice.
  • The modifications will be notified to the email address you have provided, however we are not responsible for not receiving it.
  • The notice on our website will always publish the latest version with date included. We recommend consulting it periodically.
  • This notice complies with the requirements established by the Law in its Articles 15 and 16.


Filling out the Membership form with your company information means that you have read, understood and agreed to the aforementioned terms. We promise that they will be treated under security measures, always guaranteeing their confidentiality.