Invitation to Sponsor Cybersecurity Festival for Latin America

We are pleased to invite your organization to participate as a sponsor of the Cybersecurity Festival for Latin America, the inauguration will be held on August 13 at the renowned University of the Claustro de Sor Juana. This event is a fundamental pillar in our mission to foster a safer and more educated digital environment in our region.

Festival mission: The Cybersecurity Festival not only seeks to raise awareness about the importance of digital security, but also to generate and distribute educational materials and initiatives that promote knowledge and digital resilience through all sectors of the population.

Impact and scope of the event:

  • Audience: More than 600,000 people as a captive audience that we have reached in the first two editions of the festival through our network of allies,
  • Comprehensive educational project: As a result of the work carried out in the first two editions, a comprehensive educational program was developed that aims to teach primary school children about cybersecurity, citizenship and digital hygiene. This program will begin to be taught in schools in Oaxaca as a joint initiative with the Inter-American Institute of Children and Adolescents of the OAS.

Guides and materials planned for this and subsequent editions:

  • Cybersecurity Guide for Startups and Entrepreneurs: Guide that offers essential security strategies and practices to protect innovative ideas and critical data in the dynamic startup environment.
  • Digital security for indigenous communities: Adapted to the specific needs of these communities.
  • Digital resilience guide for natural disasters: Provides protocols and measures to ensure the continuity and recovery of digital operations in cases of natural disasters.
  • Cybersecurity and climate change: Guide focused on the protection of critical infrastructure related to the environment against cyber attacks. It addresses how clean and renewable technologies, such as wind farms, solar farms and smart grids, are increasingly susceptible to digital threats that can compromise their operation and security.
  • Guía para la protección de activistas y defensores de derechos humanos: Detalla tácticas de seguridad digital enfocadas en la protección de la privacidad y la integridad de la información para aquellos que trabajan en ambientes de alto riesgo.

Sponsorship Opportunity:

  1. We request support of $35,000 MXN for the opening event of the festival on August 13, the benefits are described below:
    • Sponsor will gain prominent exposure on all promotional materials related to the event, including, but not limited to, event site banners, brochures, and digital media.
    • Possibility of putting up a stand and banners at the event related to your brand and the festival.
    • Presence of representative at the opening ceremony.
    • The sponsor's brand will be visible in the recording and broadcast of the event, expanding its reach to a broader online audience.
    • Sponsorship of the event will position the sponsor as a committed and active leader in the field of cybersecurity, highlighting its dedication to fostering a more secure digital environment.
    • Participation in public announcements and mentions during the event that will reaffirm the importance of the sponsor to an audience of industry experts and professionals.
    • Association with an event that promotes education, skill development and innovation in cybersecurity, aligning the sponsor's brand with values ​​of technological progress and social responsibility.

      Which will be used as follows:
      • Fifteen thousand pesos will be used to manage the logistics of the event.
      • Ten thousand pesos will be used for dissemination programs
      • Ten thousand pesos will be used for the development of educational materials.

    2. We request support of $10,000 MXN for the online conferences that will be given for 5 weeks, the benefits are described below:

    • Sponsor branding will be prominently featured on the online conference interface, including virtual banners, wallpapers, and during session transitions.
    • Representative participation in two panels.
    • Featured banner on event platform and website
    • Preferential logo in the design of digital participation diplomas.
    • 4 weekly mentions on social networks
    • Mención en boletín de prensa.
    • Video promocional con duración de 2 minutos previo a todas las charlas.
    • Inclusion of the sponsor's logo and name in all emails and digital communications related to the conferences.
    • Specific mentions to the sponsor at the beginning and end of each conference, recognizing their support and contribution to the event.
    • Opportunity to include a short promotional video or message from the sponsor during conferences, increasing the emotional connection with the audience.
    • Inclusion in the event's online and social media advertising, with the potential to reach a global audience interested in cybersecurity issues.
    • Opportunity to personalize marketing messages and content that resonate with attendees, optimizing brand visibility and impact.

    Which will be used in the following way:

    • Festival operating expenses.

    You can participate with one or both sponsorship options.

    These resources will allow us to not only sustain the operation of the festival, but also expand our educational and awareness initiatives. Your participation as a sponsor is vital to our mission of raising the level of cybersecurity awareness and education in Latin America. We are dedicated to creating a safer future and are excited to have your support.

    Le agradecemos considerar esta oportunidad de patrocinio, nos gustaría agendar una reunión con usted para discutir esta oportunidad.

    Receive a cordial greeting,
    Ana Cecilia Pérez Rosales

    Associated Activities

    AMITI Events

    31 Jan
    De 9:30 am
    at 11:00 a.m.

    Graduación Abriendo Puertas

    6 Feb
    De 12:00 pm
    a 2:30 pm

    AMITI CONNECT – Coordinación Estatal Querétaro

    21 Jan
    De 1:00 pm
    a 1:20 pm

    Tendencias legislativas para el sector de TI